I can add a field to allow you to adjust the heartbeat on either channel if
that's necessary. Right now you are right, it's using the global setting

Is this important? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Dome Charoenyost [mailto:d...@tel.co.th] 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:39 PM
To: freeswitch-users@lists.freeswitch.org
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Nibblebill and multiple gateway

2009/6/26 Michael Jerris <m...@jerris.com>:
> I said to just add the set import=nibble_rate, your re-setting it for 
> no reason (and getting rid of the change that should have helped) by 
> your import=nibble_account line
I test it agin.
import work.  nibble can see nibble_rate , nibble_account in channel but  i
can't  change nibble heratbeat  so nibble use default heartbeat.

Dome C.

> Mike
> On Jun 25, 2009, at 2:04 PM, Dome Charoenyost wrote:
> Just test.
> i use javascript
>        session.execute("set", "import=nibble_rate");
>        session.execute("set", "import=nibble_account");
>        session.execute("bridge",
> "{absolute_codec_string='GSM,G729'}[nibble_rate=0.5,nibble_account=083
> 8833133]sofia/external/x...@xxxx.xxx.xxx.xx");
> when call connected nibble do nothing  i found heartbeat
> mod_callbackbill.c:550 Received request via SESSION_HEARTBEAT!
> when call disconnect nibble update amont.
> mod_nibblebill.c:478 Billing 16 secs
> I think nibble still not found variable channel.
> Let's me share more information
> I want to use nibblebill for callingcard. (i have develop billing by 
> myself). i plan to use javascript connect to ODBC when customer call 
> my script query balance and say.
> and then i loop for get destination (my customer want to dial many
> when i got number my script query
> gateway from DB.  i have 3 route and order by cost.
> First plan i use
> session.execute("bridge",
> "[nibble_rate=0.5,nibble_account=xxx,provider_id=1]sofia/external/xxxx
> @provder1|[nibble_rate=0.5,nibble_account=xxx,provider_id=2]sofia/exte
> rnal/x...@provder2"); i modify nibblebill for match provider with my 
> billing.
> this case still fail.
> now i try
>     if
> (session.ready()){
>         s = new
> Session("{absolute_codec_string='GSM,G729'}sofia/external/x...@provider1"
> }
>     if
> (s.ready()){
>         session.execute("set",
> "nibble_rate=2.5");
>         session.execute("set",
> "nibble_account="+acaller);
>         session.execute("set",
> "hangup_after_bridge=false");
>         session.execute("set",
> "provider_id="+dialprovider_id[1]);
> bridge(session,s);
>     }
> and check hangup cause before try other provider.
> Please guide me it's right way or not ?
> Dome C.
> 2009/6/26 Darren Schreiber <d...@d-man.org>
>> Did this work? Would love an update on this error/issue.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Michael Jerris [mailto:m...@jerris.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 8:15 AM
>> To: freeswitch-users@lists.freeswitch.org
>> Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Nibblebill and multiple gateway
>> try adding
>> <action application="set" data="import=nibble_rate"/> before the 
>> bridge and report back results.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 24, 2009, at 1:36 AM, Dome Charoenyost wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Look like nibblebill does't work with multiple gatreway.
>> I try
>>         <action application="set"
>> data="nibble_account=0838833133"/>
>>         <action application="bridge"
>> data="{absolute_codec_string='GSM,G729'}[nibble_rate=0.3]sofia/extern
>> al/6626734...@203.xxx.xxx.xxx|[nibble_rate=0.5]sofia/external/6626734
>> 0...@202.xxx.xxx.xxx>
>> nibblebill not found nibble_rate
>> But
>>         <action application="set" data="nibble_rate=0.05"/>
>>         <action application="set"
>> data="nibble_account=0838833133"/>
>>         <action application="bridge"
>> data="{absolute_codec_string='GSM,G729'}sofia/external/6626734...@203
>> .xxx.xxx.xxx|sofia/external/6626734...@202.xxx.xxx.xxx>
>> Work fine
>> What's difference from set application and []  ?
>> Best Regards.
>> Dome C.
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