I am interested to know more about this. Are you using ESL to then translate
CSTA calls to FS? Wouldn't this be great to be added as an FS module as an
alternative to ESL? It would enable lots of existing CTI applications to
work with FS.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Brian West <br...@freeswitch.org> wrote:

> Nice are you the project leader?
> /b
> On Jun 28, 2009, at 8:36 PM, szentesik wrote:
> Currently working on some CSTA support (http://cstainside.sourceforge.net/
> ).
> The MakeCall, DeliveredEvent, ClearConnection,
> TransferCall/SingleStepTransfer things required for the features above are
> on the list, the AnswerCall implementation is open (I'm not sure whether
> the
> FreeSWITCH is able to answer calls for any of the SIP clients available).
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