My guess is that its the other end killing the call due to rtp timeouts, not us killing the call. If you can confirm this the best method would be to get them not to do rtp timeouts.

On Aug 13, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Bradley Brashier wrote:

I'm sure that would work, but I'm worried about it sucking up bandwidth, especially since you'd need it on every caller (since otherwise the one person who had it could hang up and you'd be back to square 1).

Any other ideas, or should I hunt through the code to try to override the behavior manually?


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Michael Collins <> wrote: Check out the 'waste' member flag. I think if at least one member has that set then RTP will get sent out even during silence. Let us know if that helps...


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Bradley Brashier < > wrote:
Hi all.

The solution to this one should be short.

My conference hangs up when there's 2+ users and silence for 5 sec or so. I'm trying to find a parameter that changes that (I'd rather it be, say, 60 seconds).

I didn't see a parameter like this specific to conferences, so I looked abroad a bit. I found rtp-timeout-sec in sip_profiles, but it's set to 300 (the default), so I'm pretty sure that's not the problem. I also searched through the mod_conference.c code and didn't see it, though I was only skimming.

I'm not 100% convinced that this is limited to conferences, but I don't currently have a way to test in a non-conference environment.

Anybody know how to increase the conference silence-hangup timeout?


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