Hi Raymond,

I'm not planning to have more than 10 concurrent calls on this devices, but I'm also curious as you about how many calls can it handle.
When I get to that point I will post the test results on this list.


On Aug 23, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Raymond Chandler wrote:

Could you load freeswitch with a couple hundred calls then run the test again.. and do the same to asterisk and see how the numbers stack up then? I'm just curious to see what happens at that point.


On Aug 21, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Rogelio Perez wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm working on a PBX project for the Sheevaplug ARM based computer, with the following specs: CPU 1.2 GHz, 512MB DDR2, no FPU. So far I've found a big difference between Freeswitch and Asterisk performance times. This is a comparison of the time it takes them to perform different actions:

startup Freeswitch:                     3 min.
startup Asterisk:                       2 sec.

call extension Freeswitch:      6 sec.
call extension Asterisk:                0 sec.

shutdown Freeswitch:            6.5 sec
shutdown Asterisk:                      0 sec.

reload config Freeswitch:       1 sec.
reload config Asterisk:         1 sec.

Both were built from sources natively (no cross-compiling), and they use the default startup configurations. I have managed to lower the Freeswitch times by disabling most of the modules and recompiling, but it is still far away from Asterisk (i.e. FS startup time 2.5 min).

1. Is there any way to further improve Freeswitch performance for the ARM architecture? 2. Can this be related to the lack of a FPU (the Sheevalug emulates the floating point operations). 3. On the startup I see this error repeated many times: [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:95 SQL ERR [database is locked]. Can this be related?

Rogelio Perez

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