Hello Everybody!


1.       Scenario.

I am writing an IVR in Python that gets a destination from the calling party
(party A) and then connects to the destination (party B).

When the call is CONNECTED, I want to:

-          Receive DTMFs

-          Have a timer that can call a certain function in my script. The
script will have to play a message to party A.

-          Have a timer that can call a certain function in my script. The
script will have to drop the call.

Please notice that I want to do the things after the two parties are
connected, and not after I send the Invite to party B.


2.       Problem.

I will be happy to receive help on:

-          Which methods should I look for to implement this.


3.       Details

Here is how I connect the call currently:

session.execute("bridge","sofia/internal/" + destination_number +


I have tried to create a timer callback function "my_method()" using:

ivr_timer =threading.Timer(30,my_method)

This never called the function "my_method()".


Maybe I am wrong in using threading.Timer and the "bridge" application?
Maybe I need to create a new thread and a new timer using the API of
freeswitch, plus to use the "session.setInputCallback", plus use a
conference rather than a bridge? Can you please provide any suggestions or


Thank you!

Best Regards, Delian Tashev

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