On PRI circuits failover with ha is possible using a red tone  
appliance, but I m sure it's going to be almost impossible to transfer  
the running calls during the event of fs box going down.

Thanks & Regards,
Mitul Limbani,
Founder & CEO,
Enterux Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
The Enterprise Linux Company (r),

On 29-Aug-2009, at 11:35 PM, David Knell <d...@3c.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Raimund,
> The difficult bit in all of this is having calls seamlessly  
> transferred
> from one box to another when the first box dies.  There's a lot of  
> state
> associated with a call, not all of which is easy to replicate across.
> 99.99% uptime implies an average of no more than 15 seconds downtime
> during a 40 hour business week (or about one unscheduled reboot every
> couple of months), which is easily achievable using FreeSWITCH (and,  
> in
> my experience, Asterisk) on standard hardware.
> People agonize about their four or five nines too much, in my opinion.
> Folk are used to their phones crashing, needing rebooting and dropping
> calls - we've cellphones to thank for that - and a half-decent VoIP
> solution will knock the spots off your favourite mobile carrier for
> reliability.  Plus there's all the external factors - 99.999% uptime  
> on
> your PRI means that someone can only drive a digger through the cable
> once every 273 years, assuming that it takes a day to fix, and no
> telco's going to give you that in an SLA.  And your power can't go  
> off.
> And so on.
> Lastly, I'm afraid that virtualization and VoIP don't play well
> together, at least not if you want to achieve a sensible density.  The
> large number of small packets being moved around the network  
> interfaces
> - both physical and virtual - will quickly chew up your CPU.
> Cheers --
> Dave
>> Thinking about it, maybe we can create a solution, if some of us work
>> together:
>> My strength are in virtualization, linux, development, databases,
>> integration, etc.
>> What I do not now much about is how SIP (and everything else for that
>> matter in the Voice world) works under the hood, and how it's
>> implemented in FS.
>> I know that the state information for a call has to be stored and
>> retrieved somewhere and somehow, only I do not know that part. What I
>> know is that it hast to be do-able to store all the stream  
>> information
>> (ip's, port's, current state's, etc.) in a very fast database (e.g.  
>> my
>> idea would be memcached) so another FS could just take this
>> information and take over the call, maybe you loose a second of  
>> voice,
>> maybe you loose the recorded call file or a part of it, but that
>> should be it. (SipFoundry has a boxed opensource PBX, which, of  
>> course
>> is not flexible like FreeSWITCH or Asterisk, but has Call Live
>> Migration and Call Live Failover integrated!).
>> What I want is for my company to be able to sell a 99.99 uptime PBX
>> (we do mostly call-center related stuff), which can scale well, and
>> can grow with the company without lot's of hassles, my Dream would  
>> be:
>> To begin with:
>> One Hardware Node with the essential hardware (digium cards for
>> example).
>> On this node are OpenVZ virtualized containers:
>> [VirtCnt1: FS which only talks to the Hardware and forwards
>> everything] = Could be replaced with hardware media gateway, etc.
>> [VirtCnt2: FS which handles the PBX] \___ Loadbalanced, with odbc or
>> xml, Failover, Livetakeover
>> [VirtCnt3: FS which handles the PBX] /
>> [VirtCnt4: Database for state information] (maybe something as
>> resource-friendly as memcached? ressource heavvy database?)
>> With this we can achieve all this:
>> Problem with VirtCnt2 (e.g. crash, lock, ...)
>> * VirtCnt3 can take over.
>> -> You are free without stress to investigate the problem, you can
>> debug and analyze whyle the machine is still running
>> -> you can also create a machine-state-dump of the virtual container,
>> dump the container as well, copy the data to your lab and restore the
>> machine up the state which it was running with the problem, so you  
>> can
>> liveinvestigate it in the lab (some prerequirements given, but easy
>> doable)
>> -> just think about the possibility of better bugreports because
>> someone can take the time to read out all the data with GDB to
>> investigate the proper cause of a machine Lock!
>> You want to upgrade to a new FreeSWITCH version?
>> * Take VirtCnt2 out of the LoadBalancing Scheme,
>> * Stop it, Clone it,
>> * Upgrade FreeSWITCH in the cloned Container
>> * Start the cloned container
>> * if there's something wrong, stop it and restart the original
>> VirtCnt2
>> -> No problem at all, you can Test on the Live Hardware, with part of
>> the Live users (maybe a low-volume queue) to be sure everything works
>> out fine before you activate the full loadbalance
>> Server on it's own can't handle the load
>> * Buy new machine
>> * Setup Hardware Node
>> * Livemigrate VirtCnt3 (no downtime)
>> Now the first Server with the VrtCnt1 and VirtCnt2 as well has to  
>> much
>> load
>> * Buy new machine
>> * Setup Hardware Node
>> * Livemigrate VirtCnt2 (no downtime)
>> -> Now you have a 3 server solution (1 mediaprox, 2 loadbalanced /
>> failover PBXes) out of the first box you bought, without headaches,
>> because the system was built for it from the beginning!
>> The Database drains to much?
>> * Buy new machine
>> * Setup Hardware Node
>> * Livemigrate database VirtCnt4 (no downtime)
>> You want to upgrade Hardware/Kernel in Hardware node 1?
>> * Livemigrate VirtCnt2 to a hotstandby machine, or to the other PBX
>> machine, upgrade the hardware, Re-Livemigrate the containers. (no
>> downtime)
>> * OR just break the loadbalancing, wait until all current calls are
>> teared down correctly, upgrade machine, reenable the loadbalancer
>> You want an exact copy of the first server for Hardware HA?
>> * Buy new machine
>> * Setup Hardware node
>> * Buy hardware PRI switchover box
>> * Clone VirtCnt1 - VirtCnt4 to the new machine
>> * Make basic failover configuration
>> -> the sky's the limit, as the saying goes ...
>> So, I can do all the openvz stuff and the integration with database /
>> memcached / heartbeat / whatever is needed here, someone there to be
>> willing to work with me on this on the FreeSWITCH side? or at least
>> provide me with the necessary information about what's needed / how  
>> to
>> talk / what states from FreeSWITCH?
>> I know this seems very ambitious but if this could be made in a  
>> rather
>> relativly easy to setup package, with good documentation, it would be
>> a boost for FreeSWITCH, i am sure, because after all this is what
>> everyone is grown accustomed to from good old phone companys and the
>> good old pbx's: carrier grade uptimes ...
>> Thanks for everyone reading up until here,
>> all the best,
>> Ray
>> -- 
>> Raimund Sacherer
>> -
>> RunSolutions
>>    Open Source It Consulting
>> -
>> Parc Bit - Centro Empresarial Son Espanyol
>> Edificio Estel - Local 3D
>> 07121 -  Palma de Mallorca
>> Baleares
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 3:17 PM, Raimund Sacherer wrote:
>>> Oh yeah, that would be so helpfull for my situation, as my client
>>> *demands* now a solution where he can press a big red button and all
>>> fails over to another box. Hi es totally scared because of the
>>> Lockups in Asterisk which under specific situations including AMI,
>>> Automated Call Setup, and murphy led to a lockup of the entire
>>> machine, no console was working anymore, only cold-reset could do
>>> it.
>>> So, IF there is the possibility for life-takeover, / failover etc. I
>>> would love to here how has been done.
>>> I am very experienced with openvz and use for about two years now
>>> only openvz virtualization servers for anything because of
>>> live-migration etc. But as I am new in this company we could not
>>> adopt this until now.
>>> So Please Ken, if you can, describe what need's to be done to get a
>>> failover / takeover working (an outline would be enough)
>>> Thanks in Advance
>>> -- 
>>> Raimund Sacherer
>>> -
>>> RunSolutions
>>>    Open Source It Consulting
>>> -
>>> Parc Bit - Centro Empresarial Son Espanyol
>>> Edificio Estel - Local 3D
>>> 07121 -  Palma de Mallorca
>>> Baleares
>>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Steve Kurzeja wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Diego Viola
>>>> <diego.vi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>        Yes, FreeSWITCH is a system that you can trust 100%. I
>>>>        have switched my Asterisk servers to FreeSWITCH and have
>>>>        peace now.
>>>>        If I were you I would get rid of Asterisk and use
>>>>        FreeSWITCH, FS will handle all what you want very well.
>>>>        And I agree with David, fail-over is kinda irrelevant
>>>>        since the FS doesn't crash like Asterisk does.
>>>> You still have hardware failures and fail-over is also useful for
>>>> hit-less maintenance on boxes.
>>>> I'd be interested to know how Brian West was approaching his live
>>>> migration work.
>>>> Steve
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> -- 
> David Knell, Director, 3C Limited
> T: +44 20 3298 2000
> E: d...@3c.co.uk
> W: http://www.3c.co.uk
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