I tried doing a set right before the application is called to make a customer 
variable but it doesn't get transferred to the template this way either:

---dialplan snip---
      <action application="set" data="test_var=this is a test"/>
      <action application="voicemail" data="default $${domain} $1"/>
---end snip---

---voicemail.tpl snip---
Created: ${voicemail_time}
From: "${voicemail_caller_id_name}" <${sip_from_user_stripped}>
Duration: ${voicemail_message_len}
---end snip---

---resultant email snip---
Created: Tuesday, September 01 2009, 08 30 AM

Duration: 00:00:07
---end snip---

Notice I also tried the channel variable ${sip_from_user_stripped} as it should 
be available as well, at least according to the 'info' app.  Any ideas?


>>> Anthony Minessale <anthony.miness...@gmail.com> 08/27/09 1:54 PM >>>
you should be able to for instance put

<action application="set" data="test_var=this is a test"/>

right before the voicemail app is called

then put

${test_var} in your template.

making sure to issue reloadxml or restart FS

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Nick Lemberger <nick.lember...@lkfd.net>wrote:

> Thanks for the fast reply!
> I just tried 10 random variables from
> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Channel_Variables  and I only see the
> whitespace where the variable should be.  I've only been able to get the
> ones that are set in mod_voicemail.c circa line 1600 to work.
> -Nick
> >>> On 8/27/2009 at 12:44 PM, in message
> <191c3a030908271044k63973088xeec12c578d02e...@mail.gmail.com>, Anthony
> Minessale <anthony.miness...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > all variables referenced in the template should expand when sending the
> > email.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Nick Lemberger
> > <nick.lember...@lkfd.net>wrote:
> >
> >> Is there a way to use dialplan variables in the email that gets sent
> with
> >> the voicemail attachement.  I tried using some but nothing seems to show
> up,
> >> I'm guessing it's a different channel or something...
> >>
> >> Any ideas?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> -Nick
> >>
> >>
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Anthony Minessale II

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