Hi all,

I built a mod_fax setup which is working well.  Hats off to the  
authors for the module.  I receive faxes regularly without issue.  I  
can also send faxes, but seem to have a higher failure rate,  
especially with faxes over 10 pages, usually with error 21: No  
response after sending a page.

I know fax-over-IP can be dicey  sometimes (don't know if T.38 would  
help but see that mod_fax doesn't support yet anyway), but here's my  

Are there any best practices when using mod_fax?  Codecs to use or  
avoid, jitter settings, OS tuning, etc?  Things that you guys have  
learned through live use.  Sorry if its a newbie question but I've  
read through the documentation and wiki but haven't seen much in this.

About the system:  Dedicated hosted server, Debian 5, Freeswitch  
1.0.4.  Nothing else running on the system.

Any thoughts or lessons learned would be greatly appreciated.

Rob Forman

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