On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 09:18:23 Frank Carmickle wrote:
> Currently it's /opt/freeswitch.  I would like to see it move to FHS correct
>  locations for inclusion in to debian/ubuntu.  This is the next bit that I
>  will be working on.

Yeah, the FHS stuff was the bit that I got a little stuck on a while back.

>  Of course we also hope that the debian voip team will pick it
>  up once we've cleaned it up.

Sounds good.

> I am not an ubuntu guy so I can't speak to that.  I would say that most of
>  the licenses of the included packages would allow for inclusion in debian
>  main.  Things like the cepstral support would have to go in to contrib.
Gotcha, multiverse is for "not free" software, so anything that can go into 
main in Debian could go into universe in Ubuntu.

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