Tihomir Culjaga <tculj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I understand your financial point of view, but anyhow while the entire world
> is wants sip and trying to move to sip, the reality is quite different. The
> majority of voice traffic exchanged via IP is still H323. 

Is there any evidence in support of the above assertion (e.g., survey results
of VoIP traffic)? I've heard of H323 but I don't know anyone who uses it, or
any phones that implement it.

The lack of interest in this forum and the absence of financial support to
improve the H323 support in FreeSWITCH suggest that the level of demand for
this is quite low, relative to SIP.

Of course, improvements are always welcome, so if you're interested in funding
better H323 support, or helping with the module I'm sure the FreeSWITCH
community would welcome your efforts.

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