I am not commenting on how popular it is overall.
I am commenting on the specific demand presented to us.
I don't know what else to say to explain that I am completely neutral when
it comes to this topic.

One more time:

1) We are an open source project who volunteer most of our time as well as
paid commercial support.
2) We made mod_opal anyway despite only a small handful of requests.
3) The devs from OPAL are consultants for hire and like us, they will look
at what they can for free but you can hire them to heighten their attention

This is not a discussion on the merits of h323, I am more than happy to
support it.  The OPAL guys are some of the best open source telephony guys
out there and they have been doing this for over a decade.  We Just can't
promise a whole lot of man hours towards it when we already work day and
night managing jira with only a few managers.  We also cannot make any
promises on the free time the OPAL devs have to devote to it either.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Claudiu Filip <clau...@globtel.ro> wrote:

> Hi,
> Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 3:58:20 AM, Anthony M. wrote:
> > barely get anybody asking about h.323.
> H323 may not be popular for small ITSPs or small/medium PBXes, but
> it's widely used by the big players.. and freeswitch doesnt share the
> same goals with asterisk.
> Best wishes,
> Claudiu Filip
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Anthony Minessale II

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