Georgiewskiy Yuriy wrote:
> On 2009-10-08 10:43 -0500, Anthony Minessale wrote 
> freeswitch-us...@lists.f...:
> AM>If you are going to make that alternate module are you going to host it in
> AM>the FS tree along side mod_opal?
> Yes, but then it be useful, now i have working only signaling part and some 
> kinde of not working rtp part :)

Hello Yuriy,

Since FS already has its own RTP stack (for pass-through and 
transcoding) wouldn't it be best if your H323 implementation with OPAL 
was used for signaling only and rely on FS RTP for the media? Perhaps 
that would save you time and effort, too?

Best regards,
Vlasis Hatzistavrou.

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