On Oct 9, 2009, at 2:41 AM, Gabriel Gunderson wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 12:08 AM, Michael Collins  
> <m...@freeswitch.org> wrote:
>> Thanks for reporting back. Please let all the Asterisk users know  
>> that they
>> are welcome to join us in #freeswitch on irc.freenode.net and that  
>> they will
>> not be abused like people do in other less friendly IRC channels.
> Funny you mention this.  Many people report that the way the FS
> community refers to Asterisk in docs/wikis/irc/whatever makes the FS
> camp seem *less* welcoming to them.  After all, they identify as
> Asterisk Users and take the criticism as being kinda harsh.  Most of
> them acknowledge the shortcomings of Asterisk but are put off when
> someone else points them out.  It's crazy, I know.  The thing is, I
> remember thinking that too.  After getting to know FS better, I didn't
> notice it as much.  Nobody likes to hear their baby is ugly --even if
> they know it is.
> At our session, and in general, I've noticed people are more
> interested in hearing about FS when you don't make direct comparisons
> to Asterisk.  Besides, FS stands on it's own merit.
> Just what I've observed *and* my 2 additional cents.

I have certainly seen this on irc in the past and we should do our  
best to avoid this, I have not seen this in the docs or wiki, do you  
know of any specifics you can point me to so we can correct this issue.


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