On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Frank Carmickle <fr...@carmickle.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 18, Dmitry Bely wrote:
>> William,
>> When I upgrade freeswitch-config package, all my customized config
>> files are silently overwritten with the default ones from .deb
>> package. This bug is quite annoying.
> Very sorry.  I can try to include some code that detects if your moving from 
> the old versions that don't have a config package to the new stuff that does.

I did have the previous version of freeswitch-config installed but
nevertheless the files were lost.

>  My way around this is not to install the freeswitch-config package at all.  
> I extract it
> some where else and diff my way through it.

Yes, but the bug should be fixed.

- Dmitry Bely

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