8.04 was known to be very stable and reliable with FreeSWITCH.

First time I heard of problems with it...

What kind of problems? Problems you have not found with current version?


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Mark Sobkow
<m.sob...@marketelsystems.com> wrote:
> Everyone I've emailed with on the dev list is running the current
> release of Ubuntu, not 8.04/Hardy.  We're having some problems with
> loading mod_sofia on Hardy, so unless I get some progress/help by end of
> day Wednesday we're going to have to rebuild our development server with
> the most recent release of Ubuntu on Thursday and Friday.
> --
> Mark Sobkow
> Senior Developer
> MarkeTel Multi-Line Dialing Systems LTD.
> 428 Victoria Ave
> Regina, SK S4N-0P6
> Toll-Free: 800-289-8616-X533
> Local: 306-359-6893-X533
> Fax: 306-359-6879
> Email: m.sob...@marketelsystems.com
> Web: http://www.marketelsystems.com
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