This should now be fixed in latest svn trunk.


On Oct 21, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Keith Laaks wrote:

> Hi,
> Hope someone knows how I am able to get around this one. Here goes...
> Did an upgrade to trunk (from a July vintage build) last week and  
> noticed calls out to a provider were now failing after about 30  
> seconds or so - post answer. Tried latest (15183) - same thing.
> Analysing, I see that I have multiple UPDATE messages now being sent  
> to the provider, but no response being sent back to FS. So FS times  
> out and eventually kills the call.
> Interestingly, it only drops the A-leg; the B-leg remains up till  
> the B party hangs up.
> I cant recall seeing these UPDATE messages before...
> The intent of the UPDATE seems to be to send the callee name &  
> number to the B-leg.
> If its the provider's sip stack that's broken w.r.t. handling UPDATE  
> - is there any way to get around it by doing something in my config  
> to ensure these UPDATE's are not 'triggered' ?

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