You actually can use these in conditions. Just need to be careful that the var you are conditioning on is already set.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Michael Collins wrote:

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Rupa Schomaker <> wrote:
cond would be helpful here?  I updated the wiki on this one just now
with a bit more detail.  It is a api call. so, you'd use it like:

${cond(eval ? trueval : falseval)}

so to get a value of ERR if the var my myvar is > 15 you could:

${cond(${myvar} > 15 ? ERR : OK)}

If both sides of the comparison operator are numeric then it does
numeric comparison otherwise it does lexical string comparison.


Yes, you can do the set/cond API trick but you can only do it in the action or anti-action tags, not in the condition tags. I'm sure you know that but I want all those reading this thread to make the connection.

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