On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:19 PM, mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com <
mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm working on an alternative to a $120,000 Cisco phone system that my
> company is looking at. I got Freeswitch installed on CentOS last week
> using the Quick and Dirty instructions. That part was painless. We had a
> few 7940s laying around. After some wrestling with it, I got the latest
> SIP firmware installed and what I hoped was a functional config
> (attached). X-Lite phones can call each other no problem. 7940s can call
> X-Lite no problem. Anytime I try and call a 7940, it goes straight to
> voicemail. I attached a log file that shows the activity when trying to
> call a7940 from X-Lite.
> X-Lite is at 7940 is at Freeswitch is
> nshplpbx1.unix/ Everything is on the same LAN. Different
> subnets, but no firewalls.
> I didn't see anything that said posting attachments was frowned upon. I
> apologize if it isn't appropriate. I'm guessing this is something simple
> and I'm just clueless on how to diagnose the issue.
> I'm not tied to using this model for good, but it is what we had laying
> around. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Next step is configuring
> it to talk to Verizon VOIP over a DS3.
> Thanks,
> Matthew Kitchin
Welcome to FreeSWITCH! We're glad you're ditching a $120K system. We think
you'll find FS is as powerful as any software out there right now.

Here's a handy wiki page that will help you get the diagnosing skills you

I'd say first thing to do is capture the SIP traffic to see if there are any
clues. A "normal temporary failure" doesn't give you a lot of detail. :) If
you're new to SIP debugging then the best thing to do is to capture the SIP
trace and put it in the pastebin. (http://pastebin.freeswitch.org)

You can also join the IRC channel #freeswitch on irc.freenode.net and get
some real-time help. There are some sharp folks in there, not the least of
which are the three main FreeSWITCH developers.

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