On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:25 AM, lakshmanan ganapathy

> Hi,
> I'm using perl ESL to control the call in freeswitch.
> I'm having the following scenario, but not able to get it right.
> Dialplan:
> <extension name="outbound_soc">
>     <condition field="destination_number" expression="^9097$">
>             <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
>             <action application="socket" data=" async
> full"/>
>     </condition>
> </extension>
> 1. User A calls to an extention (1000).
> 2. My ESL program will be running, and it answers the call.
> 3. Then the program will get a number from the user.
> 4. It will hangup the call.
> 5. The program has to call to the number that was given by the user.
> In the above scenario, I was able to do until the 4th step. After hangup
> the call, if I say originate it is not working.
> Any ideas on how to do this in ESL.
I want to make sure I understand what the script is supposed to be doing.
The caller will key in a phone number to your script and your script will
collect those digits. The script will then hangup on the caller and
originate a completely new call? Perhaps you could use sched_api to schedule
a new originate command for a few seconds into the future and then hangup?
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