The behavior of not being able to change the default caller controls are
documented on the wiki:

*Reserved Group Names*

   - none - Use this name to prevent installing caller-controls for callers
   of a conference.
   - default - Use this name to utilize the hard-coded set of controls
   built-in to mod_conference. Do NOT name a custom set of conference-controls
   "default" as they will be overridden with the hard-coded set. The behavior
   of the "default" group is defined below:

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Phillip Jones <> wrote:

> Anthony - setting
> <control action="hangup" digits="9"/>
> or
> <control action="hangup" digits="event"/>
> does not make a difference, even when the default profile has
> <param name="caller-controls" value="default"/>
> un-commented.
> Looks to me like that default group is ignored even when specifically
> referred to?
> As Michael says though, creating a specific group:
> <group name="myConf">
> and adding
>   <param name="caller-controls" value="myConf"/> in the default profile
> works a charm.
> I am good - but let me know if you want me to try anything else.
> Phil
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Michael Collins <>wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Phillip Jones <>wrote:
>>> Thanks for replying.
>>> Well in the log I see:
>>> 2009-11-23 15:13:22.015625 [DEBUG] switch_rtp.c:2282 RTP RECV DTMF #:760
>>> 2009-11-23 15:13:22.062500 [DEBUG] mod_conference.c:2379 Channel leaving
>>> conference, cause: NONE
>>> which make sense because just above I see:
>>> 009-11-23 15:13:08.171875 [DEBUG] mod_conference.c:5508 Installing
>>> default caller control action 'hangup' bound to '#'.
>>> The question I have - is how do I change that default caller control
>>> action if it is not in conference.conf.xml ??
>>> <caller-controls>
>>>     <group name="default">
>>>     ...
>>> *<control action="energy up" digits="#"/>*
>> I believe that this is because the caller-controls param is commented out
>> in the default profile config. I prefer not to mess w/ the default configs
>> which is why I recommended the custom configs in my previous email...
>> -MC
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