I want to trigger CUSTOM events via ESL "as they navigate inside" of the IVR.
The XML IVRs are generated from a GUI.

The CUSTOM events need to carry

- what IVR the user is navigating
- what option has been selected
- ideally how long they stayed listening (this can be calculated)
- and when they hang the phone

Stopping junk mailers is good for the environment

> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Alberto Escudero <aep.li...@it46.se>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am currently creating IVR using the functions provided in the XML
>> dialplan
>> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Misc._Dialplan_Tools_ivr
>> Using functions like this
>> <entry action="menu-play-sound" digits="1"
>> param="$${base_dir}/1255549537_Welcome.wav"/>
>> I can play files, etc.
>> I wonder what is the smartest way to monitor (as in big brother) the
>> options selected by the user:
>> I assume that I can include an entry of the type:
>> <entry action="menu-exec-app" digits="1" param="javascript foo.js"/>
>> and include in foo.js the code to track the selection.
>> But I wonder if this is the best approach
>> /aep
>> Are you trying to do some sort of live monitoring as it happens (i.e.
>> while
> the call is live) or do you just want a record of the digits they pressed?
> -MC
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