Hi - sorry to go off topic - but we are looking for Voip supplier with SMS
capability. Would you mind telling me which Voip supplier you use?

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Mark Campbell-Smith <
mcampbellsm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> My voip provider provides a SOAP interface to be able to send SMS's,
> so after a voicemail is left, I want to execute a 'send sms' script.
> I don't want a separate statement in the dialplan after the voicemail
> statement because I only want to send sms's when a voicemail is
> actually left.
> The way I was going to do this was to modify the mailer-app to point
> to a shell script and modify the mailer-app-args to include some user
> defined variables (in conf/directory/default/*.xml).
>    <param name="mailer-app"
> value="/usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/emailvm.sh"/>
>    <param name="mailer-app-args" value="${smsaccount} ${smspassword}
> ${smsnumber}"/>
> The shell script would do the following:
> emailvm.sh
> #$1 $2 $3 = smsaccount smspassword textmessage
> tee /tmp/vmmail | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
> exec /usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/sendsms.pl $1 $2 $3
> #echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 >> /usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/log.log
> However, if I uncomment the last line, I never see the user variables
> being passed to the shell script.  The email is sucessfully sent, but
> the sms script doesnt work.  If fact, the output of log.log is (for
> example):
> -f 1...@ email_addr...@domain.com
> Any ideas if it is possible to pass user variables via mod_voicemail
> in this way?
> Thanks
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