On Dec 20, 2009, at 2:53 PM, Gad Bentolila wrote:

> DISCLAIMER: I'm REALLY new to FreeSwitch, so please take my advice with a 
> grain of salt.

Welcome to the community.

> I have a similar setup (and problem) - the wiki documentation refers to it as 
> "double nat". Like you, my FS and client are behind different NATs and I can 
> register my remote endpoint and make calls (in my case, to the the FS demo 
> ivr at 5000).
> Since your external endpoint (spa3102) is registering, you've likely setup 
> your sip profile correctly (ext-sip-ip, ext-rtp-ip, nat settings, etc).

Your endpoint need only insert rport and FreeSWITCH will do the right thing.  

> 1) Setup stun on your remote endpoint (spa3102 in your case)
> 2) Add <variable name="sip-force-contact" 
> value="NDLB-connectile-dysfunction"/> to the directory xml file that 
> describes your spa3102 endpoint

The device supports STUN also its highly recommended your device know how to 
overcome its own NAT.  I personally do not believe its the registrars place to 
overcome an endpoints nat... puts undue burden on the registar.

> Option 1 worked for me right away (eyebeam in my case) and, as expected, the 
> remote sdp had the correct (remote) IP address, since the endpoint is using 
> stun to correctly identify its IP address to FS. However, option 2 has not 
> made a difference (for me). Is it just me or is it strange that SIP works 
> without stun, but RTP doesn't?
> I guess I've been spoiled by the way Asterisk handles NAT and was hopeful 
> that NDLB-connectile-dysfunction would behave similarly, so I wouldn't have 
> to tell users to setup stun on their clients. Maybe a FS user with some 
> experience with this type of NAT setup and these settings can help. I'd be 
> interested in knowing how to correctly setup remote NATted endpoints without 
> stun - or, at least, hear from someone that this setting works for them 
> without stun.
> Anyway, hope this helps you with your SPA3102.

Bottom line is enable rport and use stun on the SPA and it'll just work.


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