Thanks for the link Tomas.

The codec is slow without a GPU (about realtime on a Zen2 desktop for me), but performs remarkably well at very low bit rates.

I encoded/decoded the 've9qrp_10s.raw' example file from the Codec2/raw directory at different quality-levels, from 1 to 7, which correspond to compression levels of 58bps (!) up to just under 700bps, for interest, and uploaded to:

Even at 200bps the speech is understandable, quite remarkable I think.

The codec source is not available but Fabrice mentions on the site that it is based on the 'Descript' codec, which _is_ open source, and which in turn seems to be based on  'EnCodec', which is also (python) open-source and uses the 'PyTorch'  and 'PyTorchAudio' libraries to do the fft/mel/MFCC stuff involved I think.

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