
Now I'm porting FreeType library to m68k MacOS
(there had ever port for ppc MacOS, but not for m68k),
and found strange behaviour of MPW SC.

Following is a sample source.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__APPLE_CC__)
# include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
# include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
# include <ConditionalMacros.h>
# include <Files.h>

int main()
  CInfoPBRec  cipb;

  PBGetCatInfoSync( &cipb );
  return 0;

This is building test only, to call FileManager function.
If I compile it normally, the compiling/linking finishes
normally. But when I add "-strict ansi", I receive following
errors in linking. The name of function PBGetCatInfoSync() is
capitalized and could not resolve it. SC version is 8.9.0d3e1.
In addition, when I tried by MrC, such problem does not occur.

[excuse me, long lines are folded]

# 2:49:34 PM ----- Build of callPBGetCatInfoSync.exe.
# 2:49:34 PM ----- Analyzing dependencies.
# 2:49:34 PM ----- Executing build commands.
  SC callPBGetCatInfoSync.c -o :callPBGetCatInfoSync.c.o \
    -sym off -model far -ansi strict

  ILink -o callPBGetCatInfoSync.exe \
    ":callPBGetCatInfoSync.c.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:Libraries:Stubs.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:Libraries:MathLib.far.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:CLibraries:StdCLib.far.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:Libraries:MacRuntime.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:Libraries:IntEnv.far.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:Libraries:ToolLibs.far.o" \
    "works:MPW:MPW::Interfaces&Libraries:Libraries:Libraries:Interface.o" \
    -sym off -mf -d -t 'MPST' -c 'MPS ' -model far -state rewrite \
    -compact -pad 0
# Undefined entry, name: "PBGETCATINFOSYNC"
# Referenced from "main" in file "callPBGetCatInfoSync.c.o"

Due to SC uses some undocumented(?) reserved keywords,
now I add "-ansi strict" option to compile FreeType sources.
I could not find explicit notes about such issue in "Help SC",
but there's no problem in building by MrC, I suppose it is
SC's bug. If I'm misunderstanding, please let me know.
And, mixing objects compiled with "-ansi strict" and without
it causes problem?


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