> > As others have mentioned already: This font is broken, and I won't
> > do anything to make FreeType accept it.
> From experience I know that supporting broken files is painful and
> unreliable, but i always try to follow the "Be strict in what you
> generate and be open in what you read" formula.

Well, yes, but...

> Anyway, i'm almost sure that nothing i can say will make you change
> your opinion so I will notify poppler/okular/evince/kpdf users that
> even Adobe renders their PDF correctly we can not do anything
> because FreeType developers do not want to be more flexible when
> loading fonts.

You are aware of the fact that this last statement is insulting?

Tell me a reason to support this broken font!  Where shall I start?
Where shall I end?  Perhaps one Acroread version displays it fine, but
others might not -- different Acroread versions have different
rendering engines...  And what about the PDF engine of MacOS?  And
other vendors?

Why not fix the application which has created this buggy subsetted
font?  It's far more important to implement missing features in
FreeType and fix real bugs!

Such counter-productive statements are of no help.

> By the way, in the future should i send more fonts that i get in
> poppler/okular/evince/kpdf bugs that FreeType does not render to the
> list or you prefer to get them via a different channel
> (bugzilla/somethingElse).

Please send it to the list.


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