On 2011-02-19, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
> I'm starting a three-month project for writing a new library which
> will take a TrueType font as the input, remove its bytecode
> instructions (if any), and return a new font where all glyphs are
> bytecode hinted using the information given by FreeType's autohinting
> module.  The idea is to provide the excellent quality of the
> autohinter on platforms which don't use FreeType.
> Ideas, suggestions, comments are highly welcomed!  I'm especially
> interested in thoughts how possible function parameters might look
> like to control the generation of the hints.  Currently, it would be a
> black box process (essentially the same as the autohinter).

How about using a intermedia language which can be easily edited.
Something like xgridfit or something else. That way, the generated
instructions can be handcraft further for better result.

autohinter -> intermedium language -> TT instruction

It seems that Fontforge's TT instruction is hard to use without any
intermedium language.

I can imagin a tool like microsoft's VTT.


Many of the operations allowed in VTT should be auto generatable with

And global paramters like blue values should take optional user given

User should have controls on vertical only or hozirontal only autohint.
Since subpixel rendering is good enough for horizontal hint in most

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