> While testing google's new Roboto font (version 1.0), I found out
> that ttfautohint 0.6 crashes, unfortunately.  Reason is the very
> weird glyph `nonbreakingspace' (its bbox is xMin=32767, yMin=32767,
> xMax=-32767, yMax=-32767, BTW) which is a composite glyph with a
> single component, namely `space'.  However, `space' has no contours
> at all...
> Well, constructing such an anomaly is valid, but I haven't
> considered this case.  Alas, it means a major redesign of some
> algorithms in ttfautohint.  I'll release 0.6.1 after fixing this
> issue.

Today in the morning, while still dozing, I had a great idea how to
largely simplify hinting of composite glyphs, and which solves the
Roboto issue at the same time.  In particular, I believe that I've
found a way to completely avoid fiddling with point indices.  However,
this means a lot of changes, so it will take a bit longer until 0.6.1
gets released.  Note that 0.6.1 will have exactly the same
functionality as 0.6; all modifications will be under the hood, not
influencing the visible result.

I ask you to test version 0.6 with fonts which don't make ttfautohint
crash :-) In case you find a font which causes a segfault, or which
causes bad rendering, or which makes font validation tools cry, please
tell me the font's name so that I can test it later on.


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