In memory of Paul Alexi

The attached patch is a rework of outline emboldening.

1) It introduces uneven emboldening in x- and y-direction. I
understand that the straight change in API is not going to fly but I
really do not want to introduce a separate function for that. We can
do va_arg here, i.e., we do even or uneven emboldening depending on
whether one or two strength arguments passed. Would this be acceptable
and backwards compatible?

2) It removes a bunch of trigonometry to speed things up. Instead of
calling Atan2's and Cos, we rotate by 90 degrees and cleverly weigh
the incoming and outgoing vectors to figure out the shift direction.
The only complicated operation per each point is FT_Vector_Length.

I would appreciate any feedback.

Attachment: faster-embolden.patch
Description: Binary data

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