now, what i need to modify?

I wonder what your purpose is, and what you're doing now.

Your goal is the bugfix of the application on Windows?
If so, why don't you make the sample program on Windows?

Or, your goal is the bugfix of the application on GNU/Linux?
If so, why you mention about MSVC? FreeType2 already have demo program
showing the rasterization results on X11 (e.g. ftview), and no need to
write a program.


Johnson Y. Yan wrote:
Toshiya-san, Sorry!
I copy the source code from the linux environment(ubuntu) to windows',then sent 
to you.

now, what i need to modify?

or, i render error, you are still right?

Johnson Y. Yan

发件人: suzuki toshiya
发送时间: 2012-06-13 23:09:11
收件人: Johnson Y. Yan
抄送: freetype-devel
主题: Re: [ft-devel] PDF text rendering error

I attached the TTF in your sample PDF, and
attached PNG is my rasterization result.
I think it's OK.
Your sample was not compilable. The compiler in MS Visual Studio 2008 complains 
like this.
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(13) : warning C4996: 'fopen': 
This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To 
disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
        c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 
9.0\vc\include\stdio.h(237) : see declaration of 'fopen'
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(16) : error C2065: 'buffer' : 
undeclared identifier
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(16) : warning C4022: 'memset' 
: pointer mismatch for actual parameter 1
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(18) : error C2065: 'buffer' : 
undeclared identifier
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(18) : error C2109: subscript 
requires array or pointer type
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(19) : error C2065: 'buffer' : 
undeclared identifier
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(19) : error C2109: subscript 
requires array or pointer type
c:\users\mps_jp\documents\2012_06\freetypetest.c(19) : error C2065: 'size' : 
undeclared identifier
It is the fundamental error, your source includes following part.
// Calculate file size  int size = 14 + 40 + pitch*height;  unsigned char 
  memset(buffer, 0, 40);
The declaration of the "size" and "buffer" are commented out.
Maybe you copy/paste the source code from somewhere and injected
some manual error. Similar errors are found in several parts.
Also seeing the part like
int main(int argc, char** argv){ if (argc == 1) {
printf("Usage: gcctest <path> [<start page #>] [<page count>].\n");
return 0;       }
makes me feel sad.
Johnson Y. Yan wrote:
When i set patch = 12061, it displays "FreeType2 version 2.4.12061"
and not set patch, it displays "FreeType2 version 2.4.9"

Johnson Y. Yan

发件人: suzuki toshiya
发送时间: 2012-06-13 17:51:14
收件人: Johnson Y. Yan
抄送: freetype-devel
主题: Re: [ft-devel] PDF text rendering error

Just I've updated the patch making FT_Library_Version() return
the irregular values. Please invoke FT_Library_Version() and
print its result to stdout or stderr, to assure that your binary
is linked with the patched library.
Insertion something like
    FT_Int  maj, min, pat;
    FT_Library_Version( library, &maj, &min, &pat);
    fprintf( stderr, "FreeType2 version %d:%d:%d\n", maj, min, pat );
will give "FreeType2 version 2.4.12061".
suzuki toshiya wrote:
Johnson Y. Yan wrote:
*sure* that you are linking to the right, patched
FreeType library?
-------see the render (gid = 2134) result saved as png image.
I think what Werner asked is "could you check if your binary is
linked with the patched library, not with the unpatched libary?".

Unfortunately, "yes, I've checked" is NOT objective answer.
The solution would be... hmm, I will update the patch that changes
the version returned by FT_Library_Version() function. So please
update your testing program to invoke the function and show the


Are you really writing code without indentation?
-------It depends on freetype,
I don't think FreeType2 requests you to write a code without
indentation. I'm interested in if it is a inhouse convention
of the engineers in Foxit Software.

Johnson Y. Yan wrote:
Werner ,
Are you really writing code without indentation?
-------It depends on freetype,
Any reason why you don't use the symbolic value, FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP?
-------FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP == 8
*sure* that you are linking to the right, patched
FreeType library?
-------see the render (gid = 2134) result saved as png image.

I think the important thing is that it calls freetype's interface, and there is a result.
Johnson Y. Yan

发件人: Werner LEMBERG
发送时间: 2012-06-13 16:25:34
收件人: yinsen_yan
抄送: mpsuzuki; freetype-devel
主题: Re: [ft-devel] PDF text rendering error

... Are you really writing code without indentation?
#include "../../ft2.4.9/include/freetype/internal/ftobjs.h"
Uh, oh!  You must never, ever use an internal header file in your
source code (except for special reasons).
int load_flags = 8;
Any reason why you don't use the symbolic value, FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP?
Besides this, I don't see a problem with your code (after a quick
look).  Are you *sure* that you are linking to the right, patched
FreeType library?
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