> Multimedia container files like AVI or MOV have audio and video
> streams, plus optional streams like subtitles etc. Each such stream
> can typically use various codecs for various flavors of audio or
> video.  [...]

Adam, this is an excellent analogy!  Thanks for that.

> HOWEVER: I must agree with Behdad though that "gasp" *definitely*
> should be supported by FreeType.  Basically, in the "default
> grayscale rendering", it should actually be grayscale+monochrome as
> defined by gasp.  In the "default subpixel rendering", it should be
> subpixel+Y-smoothing as defined by gasp.  The user should be able to
> override these ("force grayscale" or "force monochrome") but "gasp"
> is definitely NOT external to glyph rendering, it's very
> *essential*.

OK.  So FreeType should obey the `gasp' table by default?  Or should
this be a new FT_LOAD flag?  Or a rendering flag?


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