> > I think the most critical issue is which testing environment would
> > be best for FT.  CUnit, CppUnit, googletest, ...

Since FreeType is written in C I suggest a test suite in C also.  This
would exclude CppUnit and googletest.

In case you have experience with such tools, I would ask you to set up
the environment (stored in a git repository), possibly adding a few
tests, and others (including me) could then easily add more tests.

Note, however, that the greatest problem is probably the use of test
fonts.  Many of them are not freely available but are essential for
testing.  Any idea how to handle this?

> It's not just unit testing that's lacking, but nightly automated
> builds on a variety of platforms.  Something that produces results
> like this:
> <http://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=CMake>

Same issue as above.  Any help would be highly appreciated!

BTW, I recently encountered


but this seems to provide Unix-like hosts only.  But I presume that
google also has a build farm; maybe this could be used?


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