I'll take a look soon...  It's a hard problem.  There's no easy answer..

Thanks :)

I just saw that Markus Trippelsdorf posted two patches to this list for Qt5 and Skia to enable proper blending. It was even on by default in Qt5 when someone complained that fonts looked different and too thin compared to what other toolkits rendered, so they reverted the change on XCB[1]. Funny how many pieces of the puzzle are just laying around without much communication between the involved parties.

It looks like the potential for change is there, it's just that stem darkening for non-CFF and autohinted fonts needs to be in place first before the toolkits consider enabling it. I'll have a look around to see if I can maybe salvage something.


[1]: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41590

PS: I converted the Liberation Sans family to .otf and hinted them with AFDKO. Looks nice, but has some vertical spacing issues: http://imgur.com/a/mMrkD

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