>> In fact, it seems like the demos
>> are linking to my system-provided libfreetype instead of the git
>> devel one, hence no debug information. I'm trying to fix that right
>> now.
> Are you doing a `developer's build' (i.e., `make devel; make' in
> `freetype2', then a simple `make' in `freetype2-demos')?  This should
> create statically linked binaries quite easily.

Ewald, are you using freetype2-demos/bin/* wrapper scripts? They
supposed to LD_PRELOAD from the neighboring freetype2/objs/.libs
folder. Even standard (not devel) build works for me like this.

>> I have noticed that FT_DivFix (and it's callees) account for a
>> decent proportion of the runtime, around 18% or so.
> We only provide assembler code (or compiler-specific optimizations)
> for `FT_MulFix'.  Maybe it makes sense to try something similar for
> `FT_DivFix' also...

Are you benchmarking a 32-bit build? How unfashionable of you :) Only
on 32-bit platforms with 64-bit division available (like x86), it is
worth doing assembly optimization. Divisions are slow and should be
avoided in cycles. I would suggest analyzing the code first.

By the way, there is this outstanding bug
https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?43248. Perhaps you can profile the
engine and post the details.


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