Hello Ankit!

> Hi, I am a CSE student from IIT Roorkee India, and I would like to
> participate in GSoC with Free-Type organisation.

For future reference: It's `FreeType', not `Free-Type' or `Free Type'.

> 1. I would like to contribute in conversion of documentation of Free
>    Type from HTML to markdown from now on itself to strengthen my
>    candidature instead of proposing it as GSoC project.

This is a nice idea, but no, I don't want to start with this
conversion since there are *a lot* of problems to solve before this
can actually happen.  Actually, the real conversion is the very last,
almost trivial part.  Please check the mailing list archive,
especially the posts from the last few days!  The job is probably far
more complex than what you believe.

> 2. In actual GSoC I would like to work on VFlib's Tex format driver
>    into FreeType and if time permits writing framework for checking
>    FreeType' rendering output.

I'm awaiting two proposals :-) BTW, you can't combine the two tasks
into a single one.

Again, please check the mailing list archive, since those topics have
already been discussed, together with info on the necessary
preliminaries and what should be done.

> As I have translated few pages so I would also like to ask, for them
> where I can submit pull request.

What exactly do you mean with `translated'?


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