> [commit f7a27bf38847b4531164f042088535604d3cd2ec]
> > I am attaching the example program I am using for checking output,
> > its the same `example1.c' program but with some slight modifications
> > to see the num_glyphs allocated.
> Some comments.
> * Your `ftexample.c' can't work correctly.  In function `draw_bitmap'
>   there is the following comment:
>     /* for simplicity, we assume that `bitmap->pixel_mode' */
>     /* is `FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY' (i.e., not a bitmap font)   */
>   Surprise, surprise!  GF *is* a bitmap font, where
>   `bitmap->pixel_mode' is FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO...
>   In other words, you have to adapt both `draw_bitmap' and
>   `show_image' to handle the mono format, having 1bit per pixel.
>   Honestly spoken, it's kind of disappointing that you completely
>   ignored this comment while modifying `ftexample.c'.

Uh Oh, Really sorry, It was an oversight.

* Irrespective of that, there are big memory leaks.  Calling
>     FT2_DEBUG=any:7 \
>     valgrind --leak-check=full \
>       ./ftexample cmr10.600gf 0 \
>       2> ftexample.log
>   gives the attached log (using a `make devel; make' compilation).

I think this is because of the `gf_free_font' function which certainly has,
some problems I am working on a patch, and will work it out soon.

> * The next peculiarity is the size of the created bitmap.  I'm not
>   sure what glyph gets displayed at index 48 (the charcode value of
>   `0' as used in the command above), but the height of the resulting
>   bitmap size, 4x7, looks far too small.

Ok. I'll check this.

* Showing `bitmap' at begin of `draw_bitmap' with the debugger, I see
>     (gdb) p *bitmap
>     $1 = {
>       rows = 7,
>       width = 4,
>       pitch = 5,
>       buffer = 0x76f440 "",
>       num_grays = 0,
>       pixel_mode = 1 '\001',
>       palette_mode = 0 '\000',
>       palette = 0x0
>     }
>   which is also strange: A pitch of 5 implies at least a width of
>     4 * 8 + 1 = 33
>   pixels (since we have 8 pixels per byte).  However, `width' has
>   value 4...

I'll fix this.

* If I display the 7 rows bit-wise, I get this:
>     0000000000000011111110000000000000000000
>     0000000000011111111111110000000000000000
>     0000000001111110000011111100000000000000
>     0000000011111000000000111110000000000000
>     0000001111100000000000001111100000000000
>     0000001111000000000000000111100000000000
>     0000011111000000000000000111110000000000
>   Whatever this is, it looks cut off.
I don't know how to display such bit-wise rows, can you please
share the code for this?

Please fix these issues ASAP!

Yes! I will :-)

Thank you

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