Hi all,
Some quick updates:

* PK driver is now working properly and displaying glyphs
in `ftview'. There was a bug in vflib's code, the problem is
its code does not follow `pktype' properly, I have made
corrections in the `pk driver'.
I am attaching a screenshot of the output.

* Some `pk' files ( mostly files with large resolutions ) are
giving errors in the `pk_read_n14' function and not displaying
proper glyphs in `ftview'. I am working on it and will be fixed.

* TFM module is working fine but returning incorrect metric
values, there are some conflicts between vflib's code and the
`tftopl' implementation, I will solve this and get it resolved.

* I will add the complete code for the VF driver by tomorrow,
and this will also be working soon :-)

Thank you

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