> > After some debugging, I found out that, I was using binary search on
> > the encodings array in the `char_index' function, although it wasn't
> > sorted (so foolish of me :( ).  Now, fixed! Thanks.
> In the commit message, you write
>   Use `linear search' instead of `binary search' in the encoding table
>   as it will always be unsorted.
> This really baffles me.  I think you have an error in reasoning
> somewhere, still not really understanding how a cmap works.  I'll
> retry.
> GF provides a natural order of glyphs within the font file, we call
> this `glyph indices'.  Each glyph index is associated with a file
> offset.  For each glyph, GF assigns a character code to it.  We thus
> have immediately a mapping from glyph indices to character codes.

Really sorry for the late reply, I have been involved int some personal
My changes to `cmap' were done to load glyphs in the order they
appear in the font file, as the `gf driver' uses the offsets taken from the
`char_loc' commands in the `gf' file to get the metrics, now when the
goes in the loop to get all the `char_loc' values ( the chardx and chardy
values ), it loads the glyphs in the order they appear in the `char_loc'
command, which is different from the order they appear in the font file.
It loads glyphs in the increasing order of their character code.
Now, what I did is, I took the offsets and sorted them and then in the same
order loaded the `glyph indices' thus fulfilling the goal. And as the
`indices table'
is formed in such a way, it will remain unsorted, i.e. the

enoding[0] maps to char code 65 and glyph `A'
enoding[1] maps to char code 66 and glyph `B'
enoding[2] maps to char code 67 and glyph `C'
...                                          ...                 ...
enoding[57] maps to char code 0 and glyph `Γ'
enoding[58] maps to char code 1 and glyph `Δ'
enoding[59] maps to char code 2 and glyph `Θ'

[For simplicity, I'm ignoring the still missing artificial glyphs that
> must be inserted at glyph indices 0 and 1, as mentioned in a previous
> e-mail.]

This is in the pipeline and will be added soon :-)

Taking `cmr10.600gf' as an example, this yields the following.
>    glyph index  file offset  character code
>   ------------------------------------------
>         0            34          65  (A)
>         1           247          66  (B)
>       ...           ...           ...
>        25          5813          90  (Z)
>        26          6004          97  (a)
>       ...           ...           ...
>        51         10239         122  (z)
>        52         10368           0  (Γ)
>        53         10521           1  (Δ)
>        54         10736           2  (Θ)
>       ...           ...           ...
> What's needed for a cmap, however, is a mapping from character codes
> to glyph indices.  In other words, you simply have to reverse the
> above mapping.
>    character code  file offset  glyph index
>   ------------------------------------------
>         0  (Γ)        10368         52
>         1  (Δ)        10521         53
>         2  (Θ)        10736         54
>         ...             ...        ...
>        65  (A)           34          0
>        66  (B)          247          1
>         ...             ...        ...
>        90  (Z)         5813         25
>         ...             ...        ...
>        97  (a)         6004         26
>         ...             ...        ...
> And this mapping is of course sorted!
> You should thus have two arrays.
> 1. A table of file offsets, ordered by glyph index:
>       file_offsets[num_glyphs] = { 34, 247, ... };
>    This array goes into `GF_Face'.
> 2. A table of glyph indices, ordered by character code:
>       glyph_indices[num_chars] = { 52, 53, 54, ... };
> This eventually leads to
>   typedef struct  GF_CMapRec_
>   {
>     FT_CMapRec  root;
>     FT_UShort   num_chars;
>     FT_UShort*  glyph_indices;
>   } GF_CMapRec, *GF_CMap;
> (or something similar), and you do a binary search in `glyph_indices'.

This will load the glyphs in the same order as they would do previously
in the order of their charcodes because of the `char_loc' commands, I think
I will have to change the `gf_load_font' function according to the cmap
scheme above.

Thank you

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