> > I installed ubutnu 18.04 in a virtualbox and tested this there too,
> > initially it returned error with `make X11_PATH=/usr/include' then I
> > found out `libx11-dev' was missing, so I installed it and then when
> > I did `make X11_PATH=/usr/include' it allocated display surface and
> > demo program ran.
> >
> > So I think for these ubuntu installations installing `libx11-dev'
> > first and them `make X11_PATH=/usr/include' should work.
> Ah, we are getting nearer!  In which directory is file `Xlib.h'?
> Assuming that you have the `locate' program installed, you can simply
> say
>   locate Xlib.h

This gives : /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h

to get all such files on your system.
> And please show use your PATH value:
>   set | grep '^PATH=' | sed 's/:/:\\\n/g' > path.txt

Attached with this mail.

Sorry, for the late reply I have been busy with some project

Thank you

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