>> > If a developer believes that she/he needs to change the logger of
>> > a project she/he starts to work with - that's good sign that this
>> > developer has slightly distorted priorities.
>> Well, it is a nice GSoC project IMHO.  Not that I would implement it
>> by myself...
> Current logging code is perfectly fine IMO, [...]

Good to hear that it satisfies you.  However, it is far from perfect,
believe me – I'm the one who mostly works on that.

>> > For instance has anyone heard anything about the logger during
>> > last years GSoC?
>> The idea to add a logger library is just a few months old.
> I mean that even if a GSoC student working on adding some
> functionality to Freetype (and who apparently was new to Freetype)
> never complained about the logging functionality then the logging
> code is not a problem at all.

Well, as far as I can see, it's exactly as Armin described the
situation: people insert `printf' statements for debugging.  And the
final code usually missed important debugging calls...

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