> Please find the report for week 3 here:
> https://hackmd.io/@xAHoMwB3QOSJR5L2HGzXGg/Hyk1JtC1S


> *A demo of `ftview' working with OT-SVG fonts*

Very nice!  A minor nit: To both save bandwidth and speed up downloads
I suggest that the next time you are going to demonstrate something
with `script.sh' you fetch *shallow* git clones (i.e., fetching only
the current state from a git repository, skipping the commit history).

I see some sluggishness if many SVG glyphs are rendered.  Maybe you
can check how FreeType's cache mechanism could be extended to not only
hold outlines and bitmaps but SVG glyphs, too.  However, this is
something for the TODO list and should be handled only in case you
have too much timeĀ :-)

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