On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 1:03 AM ANUJ VERMA <an...@iitbhilai.ac.in> wrote:
> I was wondering if I could tweak the timeline a little bit? I will follow it 
> as much as I can, but just in case I am running late or early.
> And is there a set of tools I should use. I mostly use Visual Studio on 
> Windows 10 for development but if there is something else I should use, 
> please let me know so that I can learn that in the meantime.

Welcome to FreeType, Anuj!

I think your project can stay separate from the core FreeType al least
for some time. I would be a separate FT_Renderer module. So you can
use Visual C to develop it. It is highly desirable to use version
control to track your work progress, for example, with git. The only
change in FreeType might be FT_RENDER_MODE_DF, or maybe, some
interface to add that dynamically. The time line in project proposals
is there to track progress too. Everybody understands that it cannot
be followed to the minute.


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