Le dim. 17 mai 2020 à 21:47, Nikolaus Waxweiler <madig...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> First off: all of this sounds fantastic! I always love when stuff is
> deleted :)
> > In the end, and this is personal opinion, I find Meson cleaner than
> CMake,
> I'd vote for removing CMake support. Its inofficial status means that
> people shouldn't rely on it anyway, even if there inevitably are
> people that do.
I think providing a CMakeLists.txt that can be used directly to compile
FreeType as a sub-project in a CMake-based project is still a very useful
As well as a FindFreeType.cmake or FreeTypeConfig.cmake module to be
installed to make the system library available.

But that's just for the core library. I.e. the ability to build
documentation, install the library, or create distribution packages in
CMake are probably superfluous.
I hope to see something like the following for the future:

- Meson as the primary build system for FreeType developers, which includes
the ability to run tests, sanitizers, coverage analysis, etc.
- Creating a distribution package should ensure the result supports
config/make and CMake out of the box to build a default configuration of
the library (with regards to features/modules, not external dependencies).
The meta-build script would be useful for this.
- The distribution package should probably only contain what's needed to
build the library, and not all the extra tests we may use during
development (maybe we can separate them with git submodules, I don't know
- A developer that wants to use FreeType with a different module/feature
configuration would have to generate a new version of ftconfig.h/ftoption.h
and use that in his/her own build system.

But as I said, baby steps, so let's not throw CMake support just yet.

By the way, I've compared the size of the stripped libfreetype.so binaries
created by the 3 build systems:

default: 712 KiB
CMake: 812 KiB
Meson: 896 KiB

All generated on Linux from the same sources with the same ftconfig.h /
ftoption.h (in particular with all external dependencies enabled), and with
-fvisibility=hidden enabled for all of them.
I don't understand why there is such a large differenc yet.

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