> > Since debugging isn't time critical it might be necessary to add
> > an additional step that scans tracing messages for newline
> > characters, then massaging the output by inserting the time stamp.
> > In other words, all occurrences of `\n` should be replaced with
> > `\n[time stamp] ` or something similar.
> I also came up with the same idea but thought that string comparison
> will take plenty amount of time, therefore, I dropped this idea...
> But, as you said so I will try to implement it...

Do you have a better idea?  I could only come up with another set of
tracing macros like `FT_TRACEC[0-7]` ('C' for continuing) that don't
emit a final newline.  This would imply *a lot* of (mostly mechanical)
changes in the source code.  It wouldn't really uglify the source
code, though, but I think a solution that doesn't necessitate this
distinction is preferable since easier to use.


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