Ok git it thanks werner and one more thing that i want to ask is for
getting well in work with freetype i need to study whole documentation of
freetype or i just need to have the intro and build it to the system,
Inshorts i am asking you to suggest that what are the topics in which i
should be acquaint so that i will not find any hurdle.


On Thu, Mar 18, 2021, 12:02 Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hello Aman,
> > I am interested in the project -_"Develop a test framework for
> > checking Freetype's rendering output"
> Great!
> > 1. What signifies the meaning of word "font corpora" as i haven't
> > found anything about by googling it.
> A good and valid question.
> 'Corpora' is the plural form of the Latin word 'corpus'.  A 'font
> corpus' is a set of fonts that kind-of belong together, or have been
> collected for a common purpose.  For example, each time the FreeType
> fuzzer finds a problem, the offending fuzzed font gets added to such a
> corpus.
> For the problem of checking the rendering output, collecting fonts for
> a similar corpus is necessary.  Ideally, the elements of this corpus
> should be tiny fonts of various font formats that either
> (1) increase the code coverage of the FreeType (mainly to check error
>     handling)
> or
> (2) test all aspects of the rendering pipeline, covering as much
>     features as possible.
> For the GSoC task at hand, (1) can be ignored more or less, since it
> doesn't contribute to visual differences.
> A serious problem is that many important fonts are commercial fonts,
> which can't be directly added to a freely available corpus.  Most
> fonts, however, allow subsetting, and collecting subsetted fonts is
> similar to collecting PDF files that contain them and thus legally
> allowed.[*]
> Let's assume that glyph 'foo' of font 'bar' causes a rendering
> problem.  A logical step would be to create a subsetted font of 'bar'
> that contains just this single 'foo' glyph (more or less).
> > 2. Where can i find instructions to build free type
> Well, as with almost all source code package you should start with the
> `README` file :-)
>   https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype
>     Werner
> [*] At least this is what I think.  It should be otherwise possible to
>     construct a minimum PDF file around a subsetted font.

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