> Being lazy, I'm asking here before actually looking around. Can anyone 
> recommend programs that create [OT]TF fonts from BDF fonts?

> [I] seem to recall that someone on one of the Freetype lists might
> have also written one;

You may be thinking of my fonttosfnt.  It does something completely
different: it takes a BDF font (or any other format grokked by
FreeType), and produces a bitmap font in a SFNT wrapper, commonly
known as a ``bitmap-only TTF font''.

Such fonts are not TTF fonts, they are just a way of representing
bitmap data in the hightly-efficient (both space and time) SFNT
format.  Another way of looking at it is that they are TTF fonts that
happen to lack outline data, and only have embedded bitmaps.

Both FreeType and your favourite X server grok such fonts.

While I warmly recommend that gbdfed should support generating such
fonts (fontforge already does), this might or might not be what you

You will find what I believe is the most up-to-date version of
fonttosfnt in the X.Org CVS tree.  There's also a version in XFree86,
but I'm not sure it has been kept up to date.


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