Using the latest freevo-1.3.2-pre2 I get Segmentation Fault using freevo when I have a audio CD in the computer.
I tracked it down to the urlopen() call in response = urllib.urlopen(url) The method (and module for that matter) work fine when testing outside freevo example: python but when run with the supplied runapp proram, it results in a core dump, which i believe causes the Segmentation Fault described above example: runapp python -------- import sys import os import getopt import string import DiscID import CDDB def main(): doAudioDiskItemInit() def doAudioDiskItemInit(): #this code ripped from audiodiskitem and slighly modified to run here cdrom ='/dev/cdrom') disc_id = DiscID.disc_id(cdrom) #Item.__init__(self, parent) type = 'dir' media = None disc_id = disc_id # variables only for Playlist current_item = 0 playlist = [] autoplay = 0 # variables only for DirItem #dir = dir #display_type = display_type # set directory variables to default all_variables = ('DIRECTORY_AUTOPLAY_SINGLE_ITEM', 'AUDIO_RANDOM_PLAYLIST') #for v in all_variables: #setattr(self, v, eval('config.%s' % v)) print 'Calling CDDB.query(%s)' % disc_id (query_stat, query_info) = CDDB.query(disc_id) (query_stat, query_info) = CDDB.query(disc_id) if query_stat == 200: name = query_info['title'] elif query_stat == 210 or query_stat == 211: name = query_info[0]['title'] else: name = 'Unknown CD' print 'Name: %s' % name if __name__ == '__main__': main() #end __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Etnus, makers of TotalView, The debugger for complex code. Debugging C/C++ programs can leave you feeling lost and disoriented. TotalView can help you find your way. Available on major UNIX and Linux platforms. Try it free. _______________________________________________ Freevo-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]