Update of /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/src/video/plugins
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv27796/plugins

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
o mmpython support
o mplayer is now a plugin

--- NEW FILE: mplayer.py ---
#if 0 /*
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mplayer.py - the Freevo MPlayer module for video
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id: mplayer.py,v 1.1 2003/06/29 20:43:30 dischi Exp $
# Notes:
# Perhaps we should move the filetype specific stuff (like the one for vob)
# into the config files...
# i.e.
#     '.vob' = '-ac hwac3 ...',
#     '.rm'  = '-forceidx',
#     ...
#     }
# Todo:        
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Log: mplayer.py,v $
# Revision 1.1  2003/06/29 20:43:30  dischi
# o mmpython support
# o mplayer is now a plugin
# Revision 1.43  2003/06/23 00:16:04  outlyer
# Fixed the regular expression. It wasn't making bookmarks when less than
# 1000 seconds has elapsed. I don't know who made this one, but just in case,
# here is the old one:
# self.RE_TIME = re.compile("^A:?([0-9]+)").match
# The '?' means, match ':' zero or one times, which doesn't make sense in this context.
# The new one:
# self.RE_TIME = re.compile("^A: *([0-9]+)").match
# In this case '*' means match ' ' zero or more times.
# I also removed the comment about multiple bookmarks since you can have as many 
# as you want. The limitation with bookmarks is that mplayer isn't great at seeking in 
# other than avi; DVD, and mpg files will have varying results.
# Revision 1.42  2003/06/10 18:02:57  dischi
# Bad alang hack for mplayer and badly mastered DVDs. Restart mplayer if we
# have audio tracks in the ifo that aren't there.
# Revision 1.41  2003/05/28 15:34:43  dischi
# fixed seeking bug
# Revision 1.40  2003/05/28 15:02:02  dischi
# reactivated seeking by first pressing 0
# Revision 1.39  2003/05/27 17:53:35  dischi
# Added new event handler module
# Revision 1.38  2003/05/06 03:11:20  outlyer
# Whoops... commited something specific to my machine...
# Revision 1.37  2003/05/05 21:11:15  dischi
# save video width and height
# Revision 1.36  2003/05/05 15:14:55  outlyer
# Fixed a crash in the bookmarks submenu, and fixed the long standing bug
# where times greater than 999 seconds (16m39s) wouldn't be recorded, because
# mplayer logs time like this:
# A: XXX
# but after it reaches 1000,
# and the regular expression that got the time used a space.
# Revision 1.35  2003/04/26 20:55:44  dischi
# Removed MPLAYER_ARGS_* and added a hash MPLAYER_ARGS to set args for
# all different kinds of files. Also added MPLAYER_SOFTWARE_SCALER to use
# the software scaler for fast CPUs. Also fixed a small bug in mplayer.py
# for video.
# Revision 1.34  2003/04/20 15:54:32  dischi
# do not stop on select
# Revision 1.33  2003/04/20 12:43:34  dischi
# make the rc events global in rc.py to avoid get_singleton. There is now
# a function app() to get/set the app. Also the events should be passed to
# the daemon plugins when there is no handler for them before. Please test
# it, especialy the mixer functions.
# Revision 1.32  2003/04/20 10:55:41  dischi
# mixer is now a plugin, too
# Revision 1.31  2003/04/12 18:30:04  dischi
# add support for audio/subtitle selection for avis, too
# Revision 1.30  2003/04/06 21:13:04  dischi
# o Switched to the new main skin
# o some cleanups (removed unneeded inports)
# Revision 1.29  2003/03/23 20:00:26  dischi
# Added patch from Matthieu Weber for better mplayer_options and subitem
# handling
# Revision 1.28  2003/03/23 15:19:39  gsbarbieri
# Fixed a bug when ESC was pressed while watching a movie. Freevo used to crash.
# Fixed key conflict, rc.SELECT was used to exit and seek to a specifc position,
# now rc.ENTER (e) is used to seek.
# Revision 1.27  2003/03/17 18:54:44  outlyer
# Some changes for the bookmarks
#     o videoitem.py - Added bookmark menu, bookmark "parser" and menu generation,
#             haven't figured out how to pass the timecode to mplayer though. I tried
#             setting mplayer_options, but self.play seems to just ignore them. I don't
#             know how to pass anything to self.play either. ARGH.
#     o mplayer.py - commented out two extraneous prints.
# Revision 1.26  2003/03/17 16:34:33  outlyer
# Added preliminary movie bookmarks (i.e. places to jump to on next play)
# Currently only writing the bookmarks does anything; I'm going to have to
# add a menu of bookmarks to the menu afterwards.
# Note that the get_bookmarkfile thing should be replaced with something less
# flaky than the path+filename of the movie, but this is good for a initial
# go.
# Revision 1.25  2003/03/17 15:47:16  outlyer
# Merged patch from Angel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for "Jump to"
# functionality.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Freevo - A Home Theater PC framework
# Copyright (C) 2002 Krister Lagerstrom, et al. 
# Please see the file freevo/Docs/CREDITS for a complete list of authors.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

import time, os
import threading, signal

import config     # Configuration handler. reads config file.
import util       # Various utilities
import childapp   # Handle child applications
import osd        # The OSD class, used to communicate with the OSD daemon
import rc         # The RemoteControl class.

from event import *
import plugin

# RegExp
import re

DEBUG = config.DEBUG

TRUE  = 1

# Setting up the default objects:
osd        = osd.get_singleton()

# contains an initialized MPlayer() object
mplayer = None

class PluginInterface(plugin.Plugin):
    Mplayer plugin for the video player. Use mplayer to play all video
    def __init__(self):
        global mplayer
        # create the mplayer object
        mplayer = util.SynchronizedObject(MPlayer())

        # register it as the object to play audio
        plugin.register(mplayer, plugin.VIDEO_PLAYER)

def vop_append(command):
    Change a mplayer command to support more than one -vop
    parameter. This function will grep all -vop parameter from
    the command and add it at the end as one vop argument
    ret = ''
    vop = ''
    next_is_vop = FALSE
    for arg in command.split(' '):
        if next_is_vop:
            vop += ',%s' % arg
            next_is_vop = FALSE
        elif arg == '-vop':
            ret += '%s ' % arg

    if vop:
        return '%s -vop %s' % (ret,vop[1:])
    return ret

class MPlayer:
    the main class to control mplayer
    def __init__(self):
        self.thread = MPlayer_Thread()
        self.mode = None
        self.filename = None
        self.app_mode = 'video'
        self.seek = 0
        self.seek_timer = threading.Timer(0, self.reset_seek)
    def play(self, filename, options, item, mode = None):
        play a audioitem with mplayer

        self.parameter = (filename, options, item, mode)
        if not mode:
            mode = item.mode

        # Is the file streamed over the network?
        if filename.find('://') != -1:
            # Yes, trust the given mode
            network_play = 1
            network_play = 0
        self.filename = filename

        self.mode = mode   # setting global var to mode.

        if DEBUG:
            print 'MPlayer.play(): mode=%s, filename=%s' % (mode, filename)

        if mode == 'file' and not os.path.isfile(filename) and not network_play:
            # This event allows the videoitem which contains subitems to
            # try to play the next subitem
            return '%s\nnot found' % os.path.basename(filename)

        # Build the MPlayer command
        mpl = '--prio=%s %s %s -slave -ao %s' % (config.MPLAYER_NICE,

        additional_args = ''

        if mode == 'file':
                mode = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        elif mode == 'dvdnav':
            additional_args = '-alang %s' % config.DVD_LANG_PREF

        elif mode == 'vcd':
            # Filename is VCD title
            filename = 'vcd://%s' % filename  

        elif mode == 'dvd':
            # Filename is DVD title
            filename = 'dvd://%s' % filename  

            if config.DVD_LANG_PREF:
                # There are some bad mastered DVDs out there. E.g. the specials on
                # the German Babylon 5 Season 2 disc claim they have more than one
                # audio track, even more then on en. But only the second en works,
                # mplayer needs to be started without -alang to find the track
                if hasattr(item, 'mplayer_audio_broken') and item.mplayer_audio_broken:
                    print '*** dvd audio broken, try without alang ***'
                    additional_args = '-alang %s' % config.DVD_LANG_PREF

            if config.DVD_SUBTITLE_PREF:
                # Only use if defined since it will always turn on subtitles
                # if defined
                additional_args += ' -slang %s' % config.DVD_SUBTITLE_PREF

            print "Don't know what do play!"
            print "What is:      " + str(filename)
            print "What is mode: " + mode
            print "What is:      " + mpl
            return 'Unknown media: %s' % os.path.basename(filename)

        if not config.MPLAYER_ARGS.has_key(mode):
            mode = 'default'

        # Mplayer command and standard arguments
        mpl += (' ' + config.MPLAYER_ARGS[mode] + ' ' + additional_args + \
                ' -v -vo ' + config.MPLAYER_VO_DEV + config.MPLAYER_VO_DEV_OPTS)

        if options:
            mpl += (' ' + options)

        # use software scaler?
        if mpl.find(' -nosws ') > 0:
            mpl = (mpl[:mpl.find(' -nosws ')] + mpl[mpl.find(' -nosws ')+7:])
        elif mpl.find(' -framedrop ') == -1 and mpl.find(' -framedrop ') == -1:
            mpl += (' ' + config.MPLAYER_SOFTWARE_SCALER )
        # XXX Some testcode by Krister:
        if (os.path.isfile('./freevo_xwin') and osd.sdl_driver == 'x11' and 
            if DEBUG: print 'Got freevo_xwin and x11'
            os.system('rm -f /tmp/freevo.wid')
            os.system('./runapp ./freevo_xwin  0 0 %s %s > /tmp/freevo.wid &' %
                      (osd.width, osd.height))
            if os.path.isfile('/tmp/freevo.wid'):
                if DEBUG: print 'Got freevo.wid'
                    wid = int(open('/tmp/freevo.wid').read().strip(), 16)
                    mpl += ' -wid 0x%08x -xy %s -monitoraspect 4:3' % \
                           (wid, osd.width)
                    if DEBUG: print 'Got WID = 0x%08x' % wid

        command = mpl + ' "' + filename + '"'

        if plugin.getbyname('MIXER'):

        self.file = item
        self.thread.play_mode = self.mode
        self.thread.item  = item
        self.item  = item
        if DEBUG:
            print 'MPlayer.play(): Starting thread, cmd=%s' % command

        self.thread.mode    = 'play'
        self.thread.command = command
        return None

    def stop(self):
        Stop mplayer and set thread to idle
        self.thread.mode = 'stop'
        self.thread.item = None
        while self.thread.mode == 'stop':

    def eventhandler(self, event):
        eventhandler for mplayer control. If an event is not bound in this
        function it will be passed over to the items eventhandler

        if event == VIDEO_MANUAL_SEEK:
            self.seek = 0
            return TRUE
        if event.context == 'input':
            if event in INPUT_ALL_NUMBERS:
                self.seek = self.seek * 10 + int(event);
                return TRUE
            elif event == INPUT_ENTER:
                self.seek *= 60
                self.thread.app.write('seek ' + str(self.seek) + ' 2\n')
                print "seek "+str(self.seek)+" 2\n"
                self.seek = 0
                return TRUE

            elif event == INPUT_QUIT:
                print 'seek stopped'
                self.seek = 0
                return TRUE

        if event == STOP:
            if self.mode == 'dvdnav':
                self.thread.app.write('dvdnav 6\n')
                return TRUE
                return self.item.eventhandler(event)

        if event == 'AUDIO_ERROR_START_AGAIN':
            self.play(self.parameter[0], self.parameter[1], self.parameter[2],
            return TRUE
        if event == STORE_BOOKMARK:
            # Bookmark the current time into a file
            bookmarkfile = util.get_bookmarkfile(self.filename)
            handle = open(bookmarkfile,'a+') 
            print "Added bookmark at position " + str(self.item.elapsed)
            return TRUE

        if event in ( STOP, PLAY_END, USER_END, DVD_PROTECTED ):
            return self.item.eventhandler(event)

        if event == VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD:
            self.thread.app.write('%s\n' % event.arg)
            return TRUE

        if event == MENU:
            if self.mode == 'dvdnav':
                self.thread.app.write('dvdnav 5\n')
                return TRUE

        if event == TOGGLE_OSD:
            return TRUE

        if event == PAUSE or event == PLAY:
            return TRUE

        if event == SEEK:
            self.thread.app.write('seek %s\n' % event.arg)
            return TRUE

        #if event == rc.UP and self.mode == 'dvdnav':
        #    self.thread.app.write('dvdnav 1\n')
        #    return TRUE

        #if event == rc.DOWN:
        #    if self.mode == 'dvdnav':
        #        self.thread.app.write('dvdnav 2\n')
        #        return TRUE

        #if event == rc.LEFT:
        #    if self.mode == 'dvdnav':
        #        self.thread.app.write('dvdnav 3\n')
        #    else:
        #        self.thread.app.write('seek -60\n')
        #    return TRUE

        #if event == rc.RIGHT:
        #    if self.mode == 'dvdnav':
        #        self.thread.app.write('dvdnav 4\n')
        #    else:
        #        self.thread.app.write('seek 60\n')
        #    return TRUE
        # nothing found? Try the eventhandler of the object who called us
        return self.item.eventhandler(event)

    def reset_seek(self):
        print 'seek timeout'
        self.seek = 0
    def reset_seek_timeout(self):
        self.seek_timer = threading.Timer(config.MPLAYER_SEEK_TIMEOUT, self.reset_seek)

# ======================================================================

class MPlayerParser:
    class to parse the mplayer output and store some information
    in the videoitem
    def __init__(self, item):
        self.item = item
        self.RE_EXIT = re.compile("^Exiting\.\.\. \((.*)\)$").match
        self.RE_START = re.compile("^Starting playback\.\.\.").match

        # DVD items also store mplayer_audio_broken to check if you can
        # start them with -alang or not
        if hasattr(item, 'mplayer_audio_broken') or item.mode != 'dvd':
            self.check_audio = 0
            self.check_audio = 1
    def parse(self, line):
        if self.check_audio:
            if line.find('MPEG: No audio stream found -> no sound') == 0:
                # OK, audio is broken, restart without -alang
                self.check_audio = 2
                self.item.mplayer_audio_broken = TRUE
        if self.RE_START(line):
            print 'data parsing done'
            if self.check_audio == 1:
                # audio seems to be ok
                self.item.mplayer_audio_broken = FALSE
            self.check_audio = 0
    def end_type(self, str):
        m = self.RE_EXIT(str)
        if m: return m.group(1)

class MPlayerApp(childapp.ChildApp):
    class controlling the in and output from the mplayer process

    def __init__(self, app, item):
        if config.MPLAYER_DEBUG:
            startdir = os.environ['FREEVO_STARTDIR']
            fname_out = os.path.join(startdir, 'mplayer_stdout.log')
            fname_err = os.path.join(startdir, 'mplayer_stderr.log')
                self.log_stdout = open(fname_out, 'a')
                self.log_stderr = open(fname_err, 'a')
            except IOError:
                print (('ERROR: Cannot open "%s" and "%s" for ' +
                        'MPlayer logging!') % (fname_out, fname_err))
                print 'Please set MPLAYER_DEBUG=0 in local_conf.py, or '
                print 'start Freevo from a directory that is writeable!'
                print 'MPlayer logging to "%s" and "%s"' % (fname_out, fname_err)

        self.RE_TIME = re.compile("^A: *([0-9]+)").match
        self.item = item
        self.parser = MPlayerParser(item)
        childapp.ChildApp.__init__(self, app)
        self.exit_type = None
    def kill(self):
        # Use SIGINT instead of SIGKILL to make sure MPlayer shuts
        # down properly and releases all resources before it gets
        # reaped by childapp.kill().wait()
        childapp.ChildApp.kill(self, signal.SIGINT)

        # XXX Krister testcode for proper X11 video
        if DEBUG: print 'Killing mplayer'
        os.system('rm -f /tmp/freevo.wid')

        if config.MPLAYER_DEBUG:

    def stdout_cb(self, line):

        if config.MPLAYER_DEBUG:
                self.log_stdout.write(line + '\n')
            except ValueError:
                pass # File closed
        if line.find("A:") == 0:
            m = self.RE_TIME(line) # Convert decimal
            if hasattr(m,'group'):
                self.item.elapsed = int(m.group(1))+1

        elif line.find("Exiting...") == 0:
            self.exit_type = self.parser.end_type(line)

        # this is the first start of the movie, parse infos
        elif not self.item.elapsed:

    def stderr_cb(self, line):
        if line.find('The DVD is protected') != -1:
            print 'WARNING: You are trying to play a protected (CSS) DVD!'
            print 'DVD protection is normally enabled, please see the docs'
            print 'for more information.'
        if config.MPLAYER_DEBUG:
                self.log_stderr.write(line + '\n')
            except ValueError:
                pass # File closed

# ======================================================================

class MPlayer_Thread(threading.Thread):
    Thread to wait for a mplayer command to play

    def __init__(self):
        self.play_mode = ''
        self.mode      = 'idle'
        self.mode_flag = threading.Event()
        self.command   = ''
        self.app       = None
        self.item  = None

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            if self.mode == 'idle':

            elif self.mode == 'play':

                # The DXR3 device cannot be shared between our SDL session
                # and MPlayer.
                if (osd.sdl_driver == 'dxr3' or \
                    config.CONF.display == 'dfbmga'):
                    print "Stopping Display for Video Playback"
                if DEBUG:
                    print 'MPlayer_Thread.run(): Started, cmd=%s' % self.command
                self.app = MPlayerApp(self.command, self.item)

                while self.mode == 'play' and self.app.isAlive():


                if self.mode == 'play':
                    if self.app.exit_type == "End of file":
                    elif self.app.exit_type == "Quit":
                        print 'error while playing file'
                # Ok, we can use the OSD again.
                if osd.sdl_driver == 'dxr3' or config.CONF.display == 'dfbmga':
                    print "Display back online"

                self.mode = 'idle'
                self.mode = 'idle'

Index: imdb.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/src/video/plugins/imdb.py,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** imdb.py     27 Jun 2003 11:34:09 -0000      1.12
--- imdb.py     29 Jun 2003 20:43:30 -0000      1.13
*** 16,19 ****
--- 16,23 ----
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # $Log$
+ # Revision 1.13  2003/06/29 20:43:30  dischi
+ # o mmpython support
+ # o mplayer is now a plugin
+ #
  # Revision 1.12  2003/06/27 11:34:09  dischi
  # some small fixes for movies on rom drive
*** 104,108 ****
          self.item = item
!         if item.type == 'video'  and not item.info:
              if item.mode == 'file':
                  return [ ( self.imdb_search_file, 'Search IMDB for this file',
--- 108,112 ----
          self.item = item
!         if item.type == 'video'  and not hasattr(item, 'fxd_file'):
              if item.mode == 'file':
                  return [ ( self.imdb_search_file, 'Search IMDB for this file',
*** 176,180 ****
!         name = self.item.filename
          name  = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(name)[0])
--- 180,184 ----
!         name = self.item.name
          name  = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(name)[0])

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