Update of /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/skins/xml/type1
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv12215/skins/xml/type1

Modified Files:
        blue.fxd blue_round1.fxd info.fxd noia.fxd 
Log Message:
Replaced fonts with Bistream Vera; there may be minor cosmetic issues because
the old fonts didn't have proper sizes so I'll be checking for that.

Index: blue.fxd
RCS file: /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/skins/xml/type1/blue.fxd,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** blue.fxd    11 Jul 2003 20:25:45 -0000      1.3
--- blue.fxd    12 Jul 2003 14:28:53 -0000      1.4
*** 142,151 ****
      <!-- font and colors used in this layouts -->
!     <font label="title" name="kimberly_alt" size="30" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="item" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xdddddd"/>
!     <font label="selected" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="main" name="kimberly_alt" size="30" color="0xdddddd"/>
!     <font label="main selected" name="kimberly_alt" size="30" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="default" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
      <color label="selection" value="0xa0000000"/>
--- 142,151 ----
      <!-- font and colors used in this layouts -->
!     <font label="title" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="30" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="item" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xdddddd"/>
!     <font label="selected" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="main" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="30" color="0xdddddd"/>
!     <font label="main selected" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="30" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="default" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
      <color label="selection" value="0xa0000000"/>
*** 292,299 ****
      <!-- font used in the info area -->
!     <font label="info plot"    name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="info tagline" name="kimberly_alt" size="18" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="info label"   name="kimberly_alt" size="14" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="info value"   name="kimberly_alt" size="14" color="0xffffaa"/>
--- 292,299 ----
      <!-- font used in the info area -->
!     <font label="info plot"    name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="info tagline" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="18" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="info label"   name="VeraBD.ttf" size="14" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="info value"   name="VeraBD.ttf" size="14" color="0xffffaa"/>
*** 320,325 ****
!     <font label="widget" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="selected widget" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0x164668"/>
      <color label="widget text" value="0xffffff"/>
--- 320,325 ----
!     <font label="widget" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="selected widget" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0x164668"/>
      <color label="widget text" value="0xffffff"/>
*** 405,413 ****
!     <font label="player title" name="kimberly_alt" size="24" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow x="2" y="2" color="0x000000" visible="yes"/>
!     <font label="player artist" name="kimberly_alt" size="18" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="player info"   name="kimberly_alt" size="14" color="0xffffaa"/>
      <color label="player mask" value="0x80000000"/>
--- 405,413 ----
!     <font label="player title" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="24" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow x="2" y="2" color="0x000000" visible="yes"/>
!     <font label="player artist" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="18" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="player info"   name="VeraBD.ttf" size="14" color="0xffffaa"/>
      <color label="player mask" value="0x80000000"/>
*** 486,495 ****
!     <font label="tv" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="tv selected" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0xffff66">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x000000" x="1" y="1"/>
!     <font label="tv time" name="kimberly_alt" size="14" color="0xffffaa"/>
!     <font label="tv title" name="kimberly_alt" size="24" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow x="2" y="2" color="0x000000" visible="yes"/>
--- 486,495 ----
!     <font label="tv" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xffffff"/>
!     <font label="tv selected" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0xffff66">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x000000" x="1" y="1"/>
!     <font label="tv time" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="14" color="0xffffaa"/>
!     <font label="tv title" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="24" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow x="2" y="2" color="0x000000" visible="yes"/>

Index: blue_round1.fxd
RCS file: /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/skins/xml/type1/blue_round1.fxd,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** blue_round1.fxd     10 Jul 2003 20:41:38 -0000      1.2
--- blue_round1.fxd     12 Jul 2003 14:28:53 -0000      1.3
*** 78,95 ****
      <!-- FONT DEFINITIONS -->
!     <font label="white shadow1" name="bluehigh" color="0xffffff" size="20">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x00000000" x="1" y="1"/>
!     <font label="white shadow1 big" name="bluehigh" size="44" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0xaa000000" x="1" y="1"/>
!     <font label="white shadow3 big" name="bluehigh" size="44" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x000000" x="3" y="3"/>
      <!-- this font is used by the title -->
!     <font label="title" name="oliversb" size="29" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x80000000" x="3" y="3"/>
--- 78,95 ----
      <!-- FONT DEFINITIONS -->
!     <font label="white shadow1" name="Vera" color="0xffffff" size="20">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x00000000" x="1" y="1"/>
!     <font label="white shadow1 big" name="Vera" size="44" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0xaa000000" x="1" y="1"/>
!     <font label="white shadow3 big" name="Vera" size="44" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x000000" x="3" y="3"/>
      <!-- this font is used by the title -->
!     <font label="title" name="VeraSeBd" size="29" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x80000000" x="3" y="3"/>

Index: info.fxd
RCS file: /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/skins/xml/type1/info.fxd,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** info.fxd    10 Jul 2003 20:41:38 -0000      1.3
--- info.fxd    12 Jul 2003 14:28:53 -0000      1.4
*** 280,284 ****
        <shadow x="2" y="2" color="0x000000" visible="yes"/>
!     <font label="title small" name="kimberly_alt" size="22" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x000000" x="1" y="1"/>
--- 280,284 ----
        <shadow x="2" y="2" color="0x000000" visible="yes"/>
!     <font label="title small" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="22" color="0xffffff">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x000000" x="1" y="1"/>

Index: noia.fxd
RCS file: /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/skins/xml/type1/noia.fxd,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** noia.fxd    10 Jul 2003 20:41:38 -0000      1.1
--- noia.fxd    12 Jul 2003 14:28:53 -0000      1.2
*** 7,11 ****
      <image label="background" filename="blurr_naxos"/>
!     <font label="title" name="oliversb" size="29" color="0xffdc71">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x80000000" x="3" y="3"/>
--- 7,11 ----
      <image label="background" filename="blurr_naxos"/>
!     <font label="title" name="VeraSeBd" size="29" color="0xffdc71">
        <shadow visible="yes" color="0x80000000" x="3" y="3"/>
*** 34,41 ****
      <color label="widget background" value="0xffdc71"/>
!     <font label="widget" name="kimberly_alt" size="16" color="0x000000"/>
      <color label="widget text" value="0x000000"/>
!     <font label="default" name="bluehigh" size="18" color="0xffffff"/>
--- 34,41 ----
      <color label="widget background" value="0xffdc71"/>
!     <font label="widget" name="VeraBD.ttf" size="16" color="0x000000"/>
      <color label="widget text" value="0x000000"/>
!     <font label="default" name="Vera" size="18" color="0xffffff"/>

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