Woohoo! Nice work Dischi; if I can find some way of adding FLAC
metadata parsing to mmpython, we could support lossless audio
compression very easily thanks to this.


On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 08:46:15AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Update of /cvsroot/freevo/freevo/src/audio/plugins
> In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv6311
> Added Files:
>       xine.py 
> Log Message:
> Audio plugin for xine. The needed patch is not in xine-ui yet
> --- NEW FILE: xine.py ---
> #if 0 /*
> # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # xine.py - the Freevo XINE module for audio
> # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # $Id: xine.py,v 1.1 2003/08/17 15:46:12 dischi Exp $
> #
> # Notes: Use xine (or better fbxine) to play audio files. This requires
> #        xine-ui > 0.9.22 (when writing this plugin this means cvs)
> #
> # Todo:  test it
> #
> #
> # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # $Log: xine.py,v $
> # Revision 1.1  2003/08/17 15:46:12  dischi
> # Audio plugin for xine. The needed patch is not in xine-ui yet
> #
> #
> # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Freevo - A Home Theater PC framework
> # Copyright (C) 2002 Krister Lagerstrom, et al. 
> # Please see the file freevo/Docs/CREDITS for a complete list of authors.
> #
> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> # (at your option) any later version.
> #
> # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
> # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
> # Public License for more details.
> #
> # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
> # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
> # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
> #
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
> #endif
> import time, os
> import threading, signal
> import popen2, re
> import config     # Configuration handler. reads config file.
> import util       # Various utilities
> import childapp   # Handle child applications
> import rc         # The RemoteControl class.
> from event import *
> import plugin
> # RegExp
> import re
> DEBUG = config.DEBUG
> TRUE  = 1
> FALSE = 0
> # contains an initialized Xine() object
> xine = None
> class PluginInterface(plugin.Plugin):
>     """
>     Xine plugin for the video player.
>     """
>     def __init__(self):
>         global xine
>         plugin.Plugin.__init__(self)
>         if xine:
>             return
>         try:
>             config.CONF.fbxine
>         except:
>             print '\nERROR:\nfbxine not found, plugin deactivated'
>             return
>         xine_version = 0
>         xine_cvs     = 0
>         child = popen2.Popen3('%s --version' % config.CONF.fbxine, 1, 100)
>         while(1):
>             data = child.fromchild.readline()
>             if not data:
>                 break
>             m = re.match('^.* v?([0-9])\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]*).*', data)
>             if m:
>                 if data.find('cvs') >= 0:
>                     xine_cvs = 1
>                 xine_version =int('%02d%02d%02d' % (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)),
>                                                     int(m.group(3))))
>         child.wait()
>         if xine_cvs:
>             xine_version += 1
>         if xine_version < 923:
>             print '\nERROR:\nfbxine version to old, plugin deactivated'
>             print 'You need xine-ui > 0.9.22\n'
>             return
>         # create the xine object
>         xine = util.SynchronizedObject(Xine(xine_version))
>         # register it as the object to play
>         plugin.register(xine, plugin.AUDIO_PLAYER)
> class Xine:
>     """
>     the main class to control xine
>     """
>     def __init__(self, version):
>         self.thread = Xine_Thread()
>         self.thread.setDaemon(1)
>         self.thread.start()
>         self.mode = None
>         self.xine_version = version
>         self.app_mode = 'audio'
>         self.command = '%s -V none -A %s --stdctl' % (config.CONF.fbxine, 
> config.XINE_AO_DEV)
>         if rc.PYLIRC:
>             self.command = '%s --no-lirc' % self.command
>     def play(self, item, playerGUI):
>         """
>         play an audio file with xine
>         """
>         if item.url:
>             filename = item.url
>         else:
>             filename = item.filename
>         self.playerGUI = playerGUI
>         if plugin.getbyname('MIXER'):
>             plugin.getbyname('MIXER').reset()
>         self.item = item
>         self.thread.item = item
>         command = self.command
>         if DEBUG:
>             print 'Xine.play(): Starting thread, cmd=%s' % command
>         self.thread.mode    = 'play'
>         self.thread.command = '%s %s' % (command, filename)
>         self.thread.mode_flag.set()
>         return None
>     def is_playing(self):
>         return self.thread.mode != 'idle'
>     def refresh(self):
>         self.playerGUI.refresh()
>     def stop(self):
>         """
>         Stop xine and set thread to idle
>         """
>         self.thread.mode = 'stop'
>         self.thread.mode_flag.set()
>         self.thread.item = None
>         while self.thread.mode == 'stop':
>             time.sleep(0.3)
>     def eventhandler(self, event):
>         """
>         eventhandler for xine control. If an event is not bound in this
>         function it will be passed over to the items eventhandler
>         """
>         if event in ( PLAY_END, USER_END ):
>             self.stop()
>             return self.item.eventhandler(event)
>         if event == PAUSE or event == PLAY:
>             self.thread.app.write('pause\n')
>             return TRUE
>         if event == STOP:
>             self.thread.app.write('quit\n')
>             for i in range(10):
>                 if self.thread.mode == 'idle':
>                     break
>                 time.sleep(0.3)
>             else:
>                 # sometimes xine refuses to die
>                 self.stop()
>             self.playerGUI.stop()
>             return self.item.eventhandler(event)
>         if event == SEEK:
>             pos = int(event.arg)
>             if pos < 0:
>                 action='SeekRelative-'
>                 pos = 0 - pos
>             else:
>                 action='SeekRelative+'
>             if pos <= 15:
>                 pos = 15
>             elif pos <= 30:
>                 pos = 30
>             else:
>                 pos = 30
>             self.thread.app.write('%s%s\n' % (action, pos))
>             return TRUE
>         # nothing found? Try the eventhandler of the object who called us
>         return self.item.eventhandler(event)
> # ======================================================================
> class XineApp(childapp.ChildApp):
>     """
>     class controlling the in and output from the xine process
>     """
>     def __init__(self, app, item):
>         self.item = item
>         childapp.ChildApp.__init__(self, app)
>         self.exit_type = None
>         self.elapsed = 0
>     def kill(self):
>         # Use SIGINT instead of SIGKILL to make sure Xine shuts
>         # down properly and releases all resources before it gets
>         # reaped by childapp.kill().wait()
>         childapp.ChildApp.kill(self, signal.SIGINT)
>     def stdout_cb(self, line):
>         if line.startswith("time: "):         # get current time
>             self.item.elapsed = int(line[6:])
>             if self.item.elapsed != self.elapsed:
>                 xine.refresh()
>             self.elapsed = self.item.elapsed
> # ======================================================================
> class Xine_Thread(threading.Thread):
>     """
>     Thread to wait for a xine command to play
>     """
>     def __init__(self):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>         self.mode      = 'idle'
>         self.mode_flag = threading.Event()
>         self.command   = ''
>         self.app       = None
>         self.item  = None
>     def run(self):
>         while 1:
>             if self.mode == 'idle':
>                 self.mode_flag.wait()
>                 self.mode_flag.clear()
>             elif self.mode == 'play':
>                 if DEBUG:
>                     print 'Xine_Thread.run(): Started, cmd=%s' % self.command
>                 self.app = XineApp(self.command, self.item)
>                 while self.mode == 'play' and self.app.isAlive():
>                     time.sleep(0.1)
>                 self.app.kill()
>                 if self.mode == 'play':
>                     if self.app.exit_type == "End of file":
>                         rc.post_event(PLAY_END)
>                     elif self.app.exit_type == "Quit":
>                         rc.post_event(USER_END)
>                     else:
>                         rc.post_event(PLAY_END)
>                 if DEBUG:
>                     print 'Xine_Thread.run(): Stopped'
>                 self.mode = 'idle'
>             else:
>                 self.mode = 'idle'
> -------------------------------------------------------
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